Thursday, May 5, 2011

Extreme Couponing- Realistic Savings

Extreme Couponing: How to Realistically Save On Your Grocery Bill!

Lately I’ve been hearing some comments from people who wish they could save more on their grocery bill.  One of the problems I think some of our Coupon Virgins are having is that you have set the bar too high!  With TLC’s Extreme Couponing, we see people that have a large bill and end up saving 90-99%.  It makes us all think that that is the norm and then we  wonder why we aren’t doing it every time we shop.  What we don’t see is that they have worked for weeks on that one trip; saving catalinas and coupons and then building their shopping list around those savings.  We have also seen some shoppers buy tons of mustard or maalox just because it is free and it will bring the bill down.  While most of us won’t be saving 90% on our  grocery bills every single week there are some things we can do to substantially lower our cost for food.  Since I started couponing, I have had a “busting at the seams” pantry and no one ever whines, “there’s nothing to eat around here!”  It has literally changed my life.  Here are some suggestions to help reduce your grocery bill:
Buy in quantity when a product is cheap. Note that we show you when the price is at a stockpile price by using this symbol:  The picture above is some of the items I always have in my stockpile that I have bought at stockpile prices or received for free.
Under $1:Cereal
Peanut butter
Cookie, brownie, and cookie mix
Granola bars
Salad Dressing
Shredded cheese (some is frozen)
Bagged candy
Rice mixes
Under $0.50Canned goods including soup and vegetables
Fruit snacks
Crackers, cookie mixes, brownie mixes and cake mixes
Understand that all those free or extremely cheap toiletries and household items we buy were usually part of our grocery budget. Having a good stockpile of these items automatically reduces our household budget and allows us to put that money back into groceries.
When meat, including lunch meat,  is at a stockpile price, buy it and freeze it for later.Cheese and milk can also be frozen. In my  freezer I have chicken, ground beef, cheese, french fries and hashbrowns, ice cream, frozen vegetables, frozen smoothie mix, freezer jam I made for cheap, and other items I bought in bulk at krazy good deals with coupons combined with store sales.
Buy fruits and vegetables in season and plan meals around what’s in season and what’s on sale.
Use coupons from your coupon binder on everything you buy that you can find a coupon for. If it’s just for $0.25, it’s still a savings and it all adds up.  If you are lucky enough to live in an area where they double or triple coupons then you can really save!  And I’m jealous if you do!
I know you can significantly reduce your grocery bills by following the suggestions above.  Good luck!'

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