Saturday, April 30, 2011

My first donation

When I first started couponing it was out of boredom. I am a stay at home mom who needed a hobby, a cheap and useful hobby. Soon after, I realized that I was getting a lot of stuff for free and it just didn't seem fair to keep it all for my family.
I called a local emergency food shelf to see what kind of items they are collecting and what they are in the need of. I was told that emergency food shelfs take everything, literally, even pet food, and that they were always short. In these scary, though economical time there is just not enough of anything to go around. I decided to start a donation pile. At first it was just a few items, a tooth paste, a tooth brush, a deodorant, but after awhile my pile started growing fast. Yesterday my husband and I packed our donation pile and took it to the food shelf in New Hope. There was 50 lb of stuff! The staff at the shelf were so grateful for our donation and it was so nice to see that those guys really care about their clients and their needs.
Today I am starting a new pile and I am inviting you all to do the same. With the spring cleaning in full bloom I am sure that you will find some things to donate and that way help others. Let's not forget that we are all in this together, we cannot exist without each other and that we never know what our tomorrow might bring and when we might need a helping hand. 

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